Simmetrix was founded in 1999 by Mario Comana, Professor of Banking Sciences at the University of Rome LUISS Guido Carli, on the idea of combining his academic and professional experiences. Over the years, Simmetrix became a consulting firm specialized in Financial Intermediaries and corporate finance sectors, able to broaden its services while maintaining high quality standards. Simmetrix professionals working alongside Prof. Comana hold an academic background and, thanks to their significant experience, can effectively operate in all the economic and financial areas within their competence.
SADAS has established a partnership with Simmetrix to integrate the powerful technology of its software with the competencies and expertise of the consulting firm.

Assilea is the Italian Leasing Association representing leasing companies among the organisations of the sector which operate in the various institutional, national and international offices. Assilea covers the leasing business in each of its forms from finance leases, to operational leasing and long-term rental.
SADAS has been an aggregate member of Assilea since June 2014.

The Research Center on Technology, Innovation, and Finance (CeTIF) was established in 1990 by Cattolica U. of Milan. CeTIF focuses on technological and organizational innovation in the banking and the financial industries. It investigates the adoption of innovative ICTs and their impacts on processes and organizational structures.
SADAS has been a participant since 2016.

Assintel is the national association of ICT and digital companies and is a member of Confcommercio – Imprese per l’Italia, the largest Italian trade association. It represents companies with authorities and institutions, protects their interests, plans initiatives and services to support them, and is in the front line to encourage the development of a technological innovation culture in the country.
SADAS has been a partner of Assintel since 2018.

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